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Derek Iwamoto

Associate Professor | Head Researcher


University of Maryland, Department of Psychology

1121 Bio-Psyc Building College Park, MD 20742

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Broadly, the aim of Dr. Derek Iwamoto's research is to address health disparities experienced by traditionally underserved and understudied groups including African Americans and Asian Americans by 1) identifying socio-cultural factors (i.e. racism)  and mechanisms that influence the development of substance use and mental health problems, and 2) conducting translational research to inform and augment substance abuse treatment and interventions targeting at-risk ethnic and racial minority adolescents and young adults. To date, his work has contributed to the literature by examining the influence of socio-cultural factors including racial socialization (i.e., racial consciousness, racial/ethnic group attachment) and gender socialization, or the beliefs, attitudes and expectations of what it means to be a man or woman (adherence to masculine and feminine norms), on substance abuse and mental health problems among ethnically diverse populations. Dr. Iwamoto recently edited the first ever book on counseling interventions with Asian American men.

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Selected Publications

* = current or former student.

Iwamoto, D.K., Corbin, W., Brady, J.*, Grivel, M.*, Clinton, L.*, Kaya, A.*, & Lejuez, C. (in press). Heavy episodic drinking developmental trajectories among underage young adult women: The role of feminine norms. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.


Kaya, A.*, Iwamoto, D.K., Brady, J.*, Grivel, M.*, & Clinton, L.* (in press). The role of masculine norms, and gender role conflict on prospective well-being among men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.


Brady, J.*, Kaya, A.*, Iwamoto, D.K., Park, A.*, Fox, L.*, & Moorhead, M.* (2017). Asian American women’s body image experiences: A qualitative intersectional study. Psychology of Women Quarterly.


Brady, J.* Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.*, Clinton, L.*, & Kaya, A.* (2016). Femininity and substance use outcomes: A critical review. Addictive Behaviors. 62, 83-90.


Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.*, Cheng, A, & Zamboanga, B (2016). Asian American and white college students’ heavy episodic drinking behaviors and alcohol-related problems: within- and between-group differences. Substance Use and Misuse. 51. 1384-92.


Kaya, A.*, Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.*, Clinton, L.*, Brady. J.* (2016). The role of feminine and masculine norms in college women’s alcohol use. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 17, 206-214.


Iwamoto, D.K. & Kaya, A.* (2016). The experiences of stereotypes and discrimination experienced by Asian American men. J. Wong and S. Wester (Eds). Handbook of Men and Masculinity. American Psychological Association.


Iwamoto, D.K., Kaya, A.,* Grivel, M.,* & Clinton, L.* (2016). A review of alcohol use and abuse among Asian Americans. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews. 38.


Brady, J.*, & Iwamoto, D. (2015). Drinking among college students: The impact of masculine and feminine norms. Alcohol and Gender. K. Nadal (Ed.). The Sage Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender.


Kaya, A.*, Iwamoto, D.K, Clinton, L.*, & Grivel, M *(2015). Social identity and addition among ethnically diverse populations. C. Kopetz & C. Lejuez (Eds.). Frontiers in Social Psychology: Addiction.

©2022 Gender, Culture, & Health Lab. University of Maryland

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