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Grad Students

I plan on recruiting a doctoral student for the 2024-25 academic year. I am looking for a student who wants to go into academia---if you are clinically focused on my team and is NOT the right fit. A student working with me should be dedicated, driven and passionate student who is primarily interested in how socio-cultural factors including racial discrimination, racial identity development, gender socialization (e.g., belief, expectations of what it means to be a man or woman), impact prospective alcohol use among Asian Americans. Research and clinical experiences in one or all of these areas is desired. My recently funded R01 NIIAAA study is will be one of the first and largest studies to longitudinally examine these factors and their links to alcohol use, mental and physical health among 2nd generation Filipino, Korean and Indian Americans (N = 900). We will also include an Ecological Momentary Assessment among a subset of participants to examine how daily experiences with racism impact alcohol use and mental health in the moment and prospectively. The student will have the opportunity to help launch and be part of this first of its kind study. I want a student who is 100% committed to this line of work.


My mentorship style is supportive and direct. Given I want the best for my students, I provide my students direct and constructive feedback to optimize and maximize their potential. As a result, my doctoral students have been extremely productive with respect to publications, and my undergraduate too, have publications with me, and 30+ undergraduates who have worked directly with me have been admitted to top graduate programs in counseling, clinical, social psychology, public health, social work programs.

©2022 Gender, Culture, & Health Lab. University of Maryland

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